Our mission is to tilt society towards God by bringing His values into everything.
are run by healthy values. Businesses and their employees use their influence to bring positive change into the business, to themselves, and to the community as a whole.
are healthy and whole. Any individual or family that needs help knows to go to area churches/ministries because they are convinced they can get the help they need.
Churches/ Ministries
work together to reach into every home. First, to heal the home and create a healthy home environment. Second, to train and equip people to carry solutions to the problems they see around them, and to be responsible stewards that create healthy families and communities.
Schools/ Colleges
are a safe place for students, teachers, and administrators. They all thrive emotionally, mentally, morally, and physically. God’s values are throughout. The true foundation of America is taught and honored.
Local News
presents the full and unbiased truth when reporting on local or world news. News is presented in a way that brings the community together and gives hope for a positive outcome.
employees (anyone who is elected or receives pay from government) steward righteous values and work to promote life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for all.
Fun/ Recreation
are a normal part of life in the area, and this is a major draw for many visitors. Here, in this area, people experience life as it is meant to be lived.
Go out! and make the needed changes in society which joyously keep people on the right path in each area mentioned above.